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PiCAN FD with LIN-Bus for Raspberry PiPiCAN FD with LIN-Bus for Raspberry Pi
PiCAN FD Zero for Raspberry Pi ZeroPiCAN FD Zero for Raspberry Pi Zero
SK Pang electronics PiCAN FD Zero for Raspberry Pi Zero
Angebotspreis57,39 €
PiCAN FD Zero for Raspberry Pi Zero with 1A SMPSPiCAN FD Zero for Raspberry Pi Zero with 1A SMPS
PiCan mit GPSPiCan mit GPS
SK Pang electronics PiCan mit GPS
Angebotspreis86,79 €
PiCAN with GPS + Gyro +Accelerometer + SMPS CAN-Bus for Raspberry Pi 3PiCAN with GPS + Gyro +Accelerometer + SMPS CAN-Bus for Raspberry Pi 3
PiCAN with GPS + Gyro +Accelerometer CAN-Bus for Raspberry Pi 3PiCAN with GPS + Gyro +Accelerometer CAN-Bus for Raspberry Pi 3
PiCan2 DUOPiCan2 DUO
SK Pang electronics PiCan2 DUO
Angebotspreis69,29 €

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