
SK Pang Electronics - Raspberry Pi CAN boards

50 Produkte

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Unsere Auswahl an SK Pang Electronics Raspberry Pi CAN Boards mit schnellem Versand aus Deutschland.

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Auch Anfragen von Großbestellungen sind jederzeit willkommen.

Wir suchen Reseller für das PiCan Board, wenn Sie Interesse haben, melden Sie sich bitte bei uns.

Alle Produkte vom Hersteller SK Pang Electronics sind RoHS konform.

Wofür steht RoHS?
RoHS = Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances. Zu Deutsch „Richtlinie zur Beschränkung gefährlicher Stoffe“ in Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten. Ist ein Produkt RoHS-zertifiziert, bestätigt dies, dass der Anteil von umweltschädlichen, schwer entsorgbaren Gefahrenstoffen auf die erlaubte Höchstgrenze beschränkt ist. Beispiele für solche Stoffe sind Blei, Quecksilber, sechswertiges Chrom und Cadmium. Hersteller elektronischer Geräte sind dadurch verpflichtet, auf umweltfreundlichere Alternativen, wie z.B. unverbleite Lötungen, zurückzugreifen.


English description:

Our selection of SK Pang Electronics Raspberry Pi CAN boards with fast shipment from Germany.

We are an official distributor for SK Pang. If an item is not listed / not in stock, we can obtain it for you with a short lead time of two weeks max.  Get in touch with us, please.

Volume inquiries always welcome.

We are looking for resellers for the PiCan board, if you are interested, please get in touch.

All products from the manufacturer SK Pang Electronics are RoHS compliant.

What does RoHS stand for?
RoHS means "Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances" in electrical and electronic equipment. If a product is RoHS-certified, this confirms that the proportion of environmentally harmful hazardous substances that are difficult to dispose of is limited to the maximum permitted level. Examples of such substances are lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium and cadmium. This obliges manufacturers of electronic devices to use more environmentally friendly alternatives, such as unleaded soldering.

Zeigt 1 - 24 von 50 Produkten
PiCAN-M with CAN-Bus Micro-C and RS422 Connector + 3A SMPSPiCAN-M with CAN-Bus Micro-C and RS422 Connector + 3A SMPS
PiCan 3
SK Pang electronics PiCan 3
Sonderpreis88,49 €74,36 €
PiCan 2PiCan 2
SK Pang electronics PiCan 2
Sonderpreis46,69 €39,24 €
LIN-Bus Breakout BoardLIN-Bus Breakout Board
SK Pang electronics LIN-Bus Breakout Board
Sonderpreis22,89 €19,24 €
Metal case for PiCAN-M and Raspberry Pi 4Metal case for PiCAN-M and Raspberry Pi 4
PiCan2 DUOPiCan2 DUO
SK Pang electronics PiCan2 DUO
Sonderpreis69,29 €58,23 €
PiCan 2 mit SMPSPiCan 2 mit SMPS
SK Pang electronics PiCan 2 mit SMPS
Sonderpreis58,79 €49,40 €
ESP32 CAN-Bus boardESP32 CAN-Bus board
SK Pang electronics ESP32 CAN-Bus board
Sonderpreis59,99 €50,41 €
PiCan 3 case for Raspberry Pi 4 (PiCan Gehäuse)PiCan 3 case for Raspberry Pi 4 (PiCan Gehäuse)
PiCan FD
SK Pang electronics PiCan FD
Sonderpreis78,89 €66,29 €
Plastic Enclosure for PiCAN2 and Raspberry Pi 2-3Plastic Enclosure for PiCAN2 and Raspberry Pi 2-3
CANPico BoardCANPico Board
SK Pang electronics CANPico Board
Sonderpreis59,29 €49,82 €
Teensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board Include Teensy 4.0
PiCan mit GPSPiCan mit GPS
SK Pang electronics PiCan mit GPS
Sonderpreis86,79 €72,93 €
PiCan FD Duo
SK Pang electronics PiCan FD Duo
Sonderpreis109,99 €92,43 €
Teensy 4.0 CAN FD and LIN-Bus Board Include Teensy 4.0Teensy 4.0 CAN FD and LIN-Bus Board Include Teensy 4.0
Teensy 4.1 Triple CAN Board with 240x240 LCD and EthernetTeensy 4.1 Triple CAN Board with 240x240 LCD and Ethernet
PiCAN FD with LIN-Bus for Raspberry PiPiCAN FD with LIN-Bus for Raspberry Pi
2 Channel CAN-Bus Thermocouple Interface K-Type2 Channel CAN-Bus Thermocouple Interface K-Type
Metal case for PiCAN2, PiCAN3 and PiCAN FD for Raspberry Pi 4Metal case for PiCAN2, PiCAN3 and PiCAN FD for Raspberry Pi 4
PiCAN 2 Duo CAN-Bus Board for Raspberry Pi 4 with 3A SMPSPiCAN 2 Duo CAN-Bus Board for Raspberry Pi 4 with 3A SMPS
Teensy 4.0 CAN-Bus Board with Micro-C and 480x320 3.5" Touch LCDTeensy 4.0 CAN-Bus Board with Micro-C and 480x320 3.5" Touch LCD
Teensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 480x320 3.5" Touch LCDTeensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 480x320 3.5" Touch LCD
Teensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSD holderTeensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSD holder

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