
CM5 Zubehör

6 products

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products

In dieser Kategorie befindet sich Zubehör für das Compute Module 5.


Showing 1 - 6 of 6 products
Antenna Kit for CM5 + CM4 Compute Module 4Antenna Kit for CM5 + CM4 Compute Module 4
Raspberry Pi CM5 (Compute Module 5) Development KitRaspberry Pi CM5 (Compute Module 5) Development Kit
Raspberry Pi CM5 IO Case (Compute Module 5 IO-Board Gehäuse)
Raspberry Pi CM5 (Compute Module 5) IO Board
U.FL auf RP-SMA Adapter ("Pigtail")
pi3g U.FL auf RP-SMA Adapter ("Pigtail")
Sale price6,99 €5,87 €

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