LetsTrust TPM - an easy-to-use TPM solution for the Raspberry Pi single board computer platform
LetsTrust TPM is an add-on GPIO TPM module for the Raspberry Pi platform based on an Infineon module (TPM SLB 9670 TPM2.0). It is compatible with all Raspberry Pi models, a pre-built image (Stretch) can be downloaded at
This is a development kit for the LetsTrust TPM, allowing you to start quickly.
We recommend the k-letstrust-devkit-4b.2gb variant if you are located in Europe, as the Pi 4 speeds up compile times, etc.
Box Contents k-letstrust-devkit-3b+ (Pi 3B+ variant)
- LetsTrust TPM
- Raspberry Pi 3B+
- international power supply (original Raspberry Pi Foundation power supply)
- 16 GB microSD card
- enclosure
- 2 m LAN cable
Box Contents k-letstrust-devkit-4b.2gb (Pi 4 B / 2 GB variant)
- LetsTrust TPM
- Raspberry Pi 4 / 2 GB
- USB C power supply with European connector (please inquire for other countries!)
- 32 GB microSD card with Noobs / Raspbian
- original Raspberry Pi Case
- 1 m microHDMI / HDMI cable
- 2 m LAN cable
please refer to for support in getting started.