
Alle Produkte

11 Produkte

Zeigt 1 - 11 von 11 Produkten

Zeigt 1 - 11 von 11 Produkten
2 Channel CAN-Bus Thermocouple Interface K-Type2 Channel CAN-Bus Thermocouple Interface K-Type
ESP32 CAN-Bus boardESP32 CAN-Bus board
SK Pang electronics ESP32 CAN-Bus board
Sonderpreis59,99 €50,41 €
Teensy 4.0 CAN FD and LIN-Bus Board Include Teensy 4.0Teensy 4.0 CAN FD and LIN-Bus Board Include Teensy 4.0
Teensy 4.0 CAN FD board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSD holderTeensy 4.0 CAN FD board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSD holder
Teensy 4.0 CAN FD to USB Converter
Teensy 4.0 CAN-Bus Board with Micro-C and 480x320 3.5" Touch LCDTeensy 4.0 CAN-Bus Board with Micro-C and 480x320 3.5" Touch LCD
Teensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board Include Teensy 4.0
Teensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSD holderTeensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 240x240 IPS LCD and uSD holder
Teensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 480x320 3.5" Touch LCDTeensy 4.0 Triple CAN Board with 480x320 3.5" Touch LCD
Teensy 4.0 with 240x240 LCD and CAN-Bus Micro-C ConnectorTeensy 4.0 with 240x240 LCD and CAN-Bus Micro-C Connector

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